SPECTRO Internship OHP 2024

From July 9 to 14, 2024, immerse yourself in the world of astronomical spectrography at a prestigious venue, the Observatoire de Haute-Provence, in Saint-Michel l'Observatoire, near Manosque, in the south of France. This 2024 edition is organized under the aegis of STAROS Projects, in partnership with Shelyak Instruments.


What is it ?

This event, which brings together up to 50 participants, offers the opportunity to learn about spectrographic observation, whatever your level, to consolidate your experience and exchange ideas with other enthusiasts. The 2024 edition is resolutely hands-on, with workshops (settings, learning, instrument optimization, etc.), advice and tips from experts in white-card sessions, as well as night-time observations (the site is secure and closed) and analysis of the data acquired.


And if I've never done spectroscopy ?

Whether you already use a spectrograph or plan to use one in the future, this course is open to you. However, there are a few prerequisites: you must have at least some experience of in astronomical observation, ideally have already practised astrophotography, master the setting up of a mount and be comfortable with computers (level of software use). The spoken language is French.

To get the most out of this course, we strongly encourage you to bring your own instrument (telescope and spectrograph). If this isn't possible, don't worry! Groups are organized, and you'll still be able to observe and benefit from each other's experience.


You can stay in comfortable rooms inside the observatory, single or double, or you can choose to stay outside the observatory (to be arranged on your own). Meals are shared on site.

The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly, under the song of the cicadas. It may also be an opportunity to extend your OHP experience by discovering before or after the course. Read this testimonial, for example : My experience of the spectro 2023 internship

Where to register ?

Unfortunately, space is limited.
For registrations, priority is given in order to :
(1) amateurs who have never attended an OHP spectro workshop
(2) to the first registrants

If you can't find the answer to a question, send and e-mail at the adress : contact@shelyak.com.

Stage is complete.

See you soon at the Haute-Provence Observatory !

The STAROS Team.